Here are a few more fantastic, healthy and quick meal ideas from our nutritional expert Cate Munroe that you'll want to try out...
Roll thinly sliced meat like roast beef, tri tip, turkey, chicken, ham or smoked salmon with veggies, fruit or cheese. Serve with a dip like mustard, guacamole,hummus, salsa or low sugar cranberry sauce.
- Roast beef with mustard, raw milk cheese & arugula
- Turkey with cranberry sauce, sprouts & goat cheese
- Roast beef with mustard, raw milk cheese & arugula
- Turkey with cranberry sauce, sprouts & goat cheese
Stack meats with cheese, veggies, fruits or olives.
- Ham with mustard, green apple & raw milk cheddar cheese
- Cucumber slices with lump crab meat, watermelon & goat cheese
- Ham with mustard, green apple & raw milk cheddar cheese
- Cucumber slices with lump crab meat, watermelon & goat cheese
Use toothpicks to skewer cubed meats with cheese, veggies, fruits or olives.
- Chicken with raw milk cheese, grapes & apples
- Turkey with bacon, avocado & cherry tomatoes
- Chicken with raw milk cheese, grapes & apples
- Turkey with bacon, avocado & cherry tomatoes
Stuff vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, avocados, mushrooms, squash and potatoes with cheese, olives, chopped meats, guacamole, salsa, hummus, etc.
- Tuna stuffed tomatoes with parsley, capers & parmesan cheese
- Ground beef stuffed peppers with tomato salsa & guacamole
- Tuna stuffed tomatoes with parsley, capers & parmesan cheese
- Ground beef stuffed peppers with tomato salsa & guacamole
Grab a handful of greens (lettuce, spinach, arugula, etc.), top with protein,veggies, fruits, nuts, olives, etc. Drizzle with Zukay dressing and olive oil.
- Wild salmon salad with strawberries, cucumber & walnuts
- Greek chicken salad with olives, cucumber, tomatoes & feta
- Wild salmon salad with strawberries, cucumber & walnuts
- Greek chicken salad with olives, cucumber, tomatoes & feta
Choose greens over grains. Instead of a burger bun or thick-breaded sandwich, lettuce-wrap your food for more nutrients and less carbs.
- Romaine lettuce tacos with pulled pork, salsa & guacamole
- Iceberg lettuce wrapped beef burgers with mustard, tomatoes & onions
- Romaine lettuce tacos with pulled pork, salsa & guacamole
- Iceberg lettuce wrapped beef burgers with mustard, tomatoes & onions
Enjoy an open-faced sandwich with half the “sprouted” or sourdough bread. Great for broiling with cheese too!
- Turkey on sourdough with spinach, avocado & tomato
- “Sprouted” Cinnamon Raisin Bread with chicken & goat cheese
- Turkey on sourdough with spinach, avocado & tomato
- “Sprouted” Cinnamon Raisin Bread with chicken & goat cheese
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